Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"My neighbor comes for a cup of tea. We have a party by the cherry tree."

Or under the computer. (the title is a quote from one of our favorite books: Little Mommy)
Today the girls had a tea party inside the computer cabinet.

These pictures show that these little girls are resilient. EVEN THOUGH they have a mama that yells way too much this week & EVEN THOUGH their mama had to call their daddy today to warn him that she was going to bake brownies and there probably wouldn't be any left by the time he got home... despite all of that misfortune, they are happy. Even when she didn't get to help MAKE the brownies, Chick was happy. Resilient, I tell you.

Here's another: both reading Eric Carle books from the library.


Katie said...

oh my, a plate of brownies sounds right up my alley right about now. :) love the cutie pies!!

Heather, Rex, etc. said...

I yell too much, too. I'll be perfect when I'm a grandma, I'm sure.

nikko said...

I know you're having a rough week. Hang in there!

Chiara said...

CIao Paige, yesterday night i showed your blog to my mum.... she was nearly crying and smiling seeing the pics of yoru girls and your beautiful family and all the amazing things you do...(the kitty b-day cake, all the decorations, your re-fashionings)..... you asked me to say hello to her...i showed her directly what you are doing now...many years after we met...she liked your blog sooo much...she would like to hug you and your girls, she's happy for you and your life....

Just to inform you ;-)

Keep us posted about your wonderful life!!!
i hug you...