Monday, December 15, 2008

my girls


S.Ann said...

Good pictures Paige. I love the one where Brescia is studing her hand. Mom

nikko said...

Cuties, both of them!

jeannie said...

Very cute! I think Ckick looks a lot like you, but a blondie!

Jeanne said...

what a Cute! polka dot blanket for Brescia. She's a doll.

Anna said...

Paige (and David), they are both GORGEOUS! What a beautiful little addition! And, Paige, I would love to read your blog on losing weight/eating healthy. We do "green shakes" at our house a lot! It is true, you can't taste the spinach. The best way to get greens, I think.

Lots of hugs, Anna

Anonymous said...

Aunt Paige, Brescia is so cute! And I cannot believe how big Arizona is getting!