Monday, May 18, 2009

It's What I Signed Up For

Let me paint a picture of my house right now:

tv is on (Clifford on PBS), the living room is strewn with sundry toys. Chick is sitting in her nightgown on a blanket covered couch, sipping watered-down apple juice from her ladybug plastic mug. On the table next to her is her water bottle (and mine, which she drank out of & now it's hers too). On the floor in front of her is a huge metal bowl, placed on a towel from the rag bin. The bowl has seen a lot of action lately. (By the way, so has HH. I'd rather mop the kitchen floor than get puked on ANYDAY).

Babe was crying in her swing, but I took pity on her, and now she's crying on my lap. She's freshly diapered & clothed because her diarrhea got all over her clothes & started getting on my carpet when I put her down there to make the bed. hmmm. Chick was recently bathed for the same reason...the bed IS made, though.

I, after spending most of the night sleeping cuddled with sick Chick on the couch and after having had a migraine all day yesterday, am wearing my pajama pants and an old painted-up t-shirt. I expect to remain this way for the duration of the day. I got the garden half done on Saturday & had planned to finish today...but maybe not now...maybe it'll be tomorrow. Either way, it looks like I have a bumper crop of plastic milk jugs : )

My sincere apologies to anyone that we've been in contact with...we went to church yesterday like normal, and it wasn't until partly through that Chick started acting suspiciously mellow. She came home and told HH that it was time to go to bed. When she got up she threw up. Fun times.

Well, I gotta go cuddle with my girls & tackle the laundry mountain (which is complete with bed sheets, extra towels, and things that it would be indelicate to mention).

Here are a couple of pictures of Chick in her former health.


Annalia said...

Bleh. So sorry for you! I hope it's over soon.

Katie said...

Oh no! Not fun! I hope everyone feels better soon!!

Susie and Jay Larson said...

I am so sorry. I love it when my boy mellows a bit from being sick but not the sick part obviously. He actually is cuddly and sits in one spot for more then 10 seconds. I hope you all feel better.

Simply Simmons said...

Hey, just because you signed up for it doesn't mean you have to like it, love it or want more of it!! Hope things get better at your house!!