The zoo is having a photo contest for their calendar-- the winning picture will be featured on the cover of the calendar, and the winner will get $50 zoobucks and a year membership. I don't have a membership and would LOVE to win, but there were some really impressive looking cameras & tripods, and photographers who didn't have kids hanging on them or hurrying them on to the next exhibit. {sigh}
But it doesn't hurt to enter, so here are my best pictures from yesterday. Please tell me which you'd pick if you were to submit one of these. I find it helpful to hear other opinions. If there's a "why" behind your answer that would be helpful too.
Other random tidbits from the day:
Moose liked the snakes. He liked everything that he was able to see, but he took a nap and was in the stroller for a lot of the time. It's fun that he's getting old enough to experience it with us, though.
Thanks, J and M for taking us!
I love thd picture of the three kids with the penguins!
First one and the otter.
Well I think for their calendar they are more likely to use photos without any people in them, just animal shots, so I would say one of your snow leopard ones. I like the closeness of the one where he is licking his paw, and I like the way the walking one directs the eye.
It's so hard to choose! I really like the otter picture, the one with your kids as snow leopards, and Chick in the boat.
...and hot picture of you in the green shirt, Paige!
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